Dungeons & Dragons Group The Hague 

Chapter 11


Imagine a dark tower, at the top of the tower there is a round room with a circle of statues. The statues all look as humans and a Elf in combative poses. Suddenly the room is lit by a light that shines from a small stone in the hand of one of the adventurers. The stone slowly turns lifelike until a man we know as Berrit gasps his first breath of air in some time. He is surprised to see his friends and the three paladins that came to their aid all standing in a circle in various poses. Berrit remembers the Bodak as if it was yesterday and remembers the world going black, he now understands why. 
The stone he had taken from Drexifar grows brightly as if the magic it once held has returned. It must have rescued Berrit somehow. He wastes no time and presses it against the statue of a knight he recognizes vaguely as his old friend Aneirin. A sword swooshes down as the swinging motion that Aneirin was in suddenly returned. He steps down from his pedestal and looks at Berrit. Quickly Berrit returns the party to life and presses the stone against the leader of the three paladins, Gaius Balthar, as he returns to life the magic of the stone dies. With saddened faces the party realizes they have no way to return the last two paladins to life. Yet their mourning is short lived as four skeletons in armor and armed with halberds walk into the room. They are dispatched although with more difficulty than the party would expect from some simple skeletons. 

Cyan and Berrit walked to one of the windows and were appalled by what they saw. Everywhere they looked the land was devoid of life. Legions of undead walked the land and worked the cranes and foundries. Yet as they looked on they recognized the castle of which the tower was part of. It was the castle of the Baroness. They had no choice to conclude that Thallia was gone, yet also realizing that some considerable time had already passed. 

The party gathered themselves and walked down the stairs. After some time they enter a grand hall and Aneirin sees a human on the ground cleaning the floor. Thinking it must be a slave Aneirin walks up to him only to be surprised by its pointed teeth as it attacks him. Although quickly vanquished the sounds of battle have alarmed the keep and the Baroness appears, realizing she is much to strong the party runs on to the outside. As they enter the courtyard they are stunned, surrounded by hundreds of undead they draw weapons for the last stand. Yet hope is not lost as Aneirin pulls out the horn he got from the Silver Dragon Azura and blows on it. A few seconds later, she appears having grown considerably in size and power. Her breath lays low many undead and the party quickly hops on her back and they fly away towards her lair. Regaining their breath they are again shocked upon learning from Azura that about 90 years had passed since the Collapse of Thalia, the region now known as the Deadring.

News, Family and Dragons

Upon Cyan's request Maxx returns to the tower of Cyan's mother in Dearnardas. As he knocks on the door he is surprised to see her, having barely aged in ninety years. Strangely the first thing she asks about is not the well-being of Cyan but of Aneirin. She tells Maxx to get the party to her as quickly as possible, there is much to tell. 
After thanking Azura the party very quickly goes to Deanardas with some teleports spells of Ivril and Desiderius. As they sit around the table in the tower, Cyan's mother begins to tell. First of all, she is not Cyan's mother, as she had passed away some years ago, but Ladunappindon, Aneirin's Bronze dragon. He made himself look like the mother so he could continue running the tower together with Ottswarlyndanox, Aneirin's Copper. But there was so much more. When Maxx had left to the deadring, his girlfriend Nirieki was pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter, Ladunappindon had fallen in love with this daughter and together they had had a son called Maxxen, who is now a full grown man. As Maxx shakes hand with his grandson it is surprising moment as both look about the same age. 
Ladunappindon than tells of the Silver Stars. After the Collapse of Thallia, the Silverstars took a last stance to stop the evil from the now created Deadring and were destroyed in the process. Eurendur has gone missing. High Prince Ibgarhaz of Thallia has been turned to a blackguard and as a final insult Fergus Ton is now an ambassador of the Deadring in Dearnardas.


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