Dungeons & Dragons Group The Hague 


Capital: Tantice (F)

Population: 2,201,900 (humans 84%, dwarves 6%, gnomes 5%, halflings 3%, other 2%)

Government: Plutocracy (merchants’ council with chosen Overmaster)

Imports: Livestock, grain, cattle, food, trade goods for export,  

Exports: Adamantine, ships, gold, silver, jewelry, precious metals, manufactured items.


Life and Society:

Istr is a proud, arrogant nation of power and money obsessed merchants. Experienced merchants practice the ability to finish a deal and the skill of gaining advantage through negotiations, politics and smart maneuvering. Laws in Istr are important and considered a key to stability and peace, but every merchant tries to maneuver his way through loopholes in the system. In the view of the Istrians all people and races are welcome in their nation, as long as they bring money with them to spend. Age, race or alignment does not matter, and questions are not asked. Istrian people value trade, wealth and stature; one has only achieved something if he has reached a noticeable position within one of those three aspects. Foreigners often consider Istrians greedy, but besides Istrian society is also about attitude, perception and etiquette. All want to be the best in what they do, merchants promote their goods as the best, craftsman claim to be the best in their discipline, and politicians and nobles argue that their plans are the best for the nation.


Contrary to the neighboring nation of Queeth, magic and sorcery do not play a large role in the society of Istr. Sorcerers are highly disliked, for their connection with Istr, while wizards are appreciated for their skill and power. Istr is also an industrious nation, extracting iron ore, silver and gold from the mountains in the south of the nation and adamantine from the float fields in the south and east. But besides the Istrian are the founders of the Karabines; deadly weapons forged from adamantine. Istr has so far has remained the only nation able to make the weapons and the secret is carefully guarded and protected. Istr is also a prominent producer of airships. During the Kaladon reign in Istr, local rogues and freedom fighter managed to steal the Kaladon secret of creating airships. In these days most airships used in the floating sea area are made by Istrian hands.


Istr is not a conquerors nation, instead most people spend their lives making money while doing business and heaving a great time spending it again in one of the many ways to display their wealth. Other than trade, politics, negotiations, and craftsmanship are all also important in the nation. Istrian people are slightly tanned with mostly black or dark hair; they prefer to wear colorful clothing adorned with gold, silver and adamantine. Colors, patterns and decoration are often considered expensive and come from the best craftsmen, so that the rich can show just how much money they have. The climate in Istr is on the border of warm, and even in the winter it never gets really freezing cold.


Geographical Features:



Important Sites:

Tantice (F) (Metropolis: 55,210): Tantice is the centre of trade in Istr, the city is located around 20 mile away from the cost, on a 350 Feet high floating plateau. The city is mainly focused on trade, it has three large airports, and one harbor on a magically man made island below the city. No wall surrounds the city, and the rich and noble inhabitants often occupy locations on the border of the float with beautiful views out of the city. The city itself is also known for its lack of animals, as no animals are allowed with the city walls. All transportation therefore takes place with floating disk or airships. Those that have animals are often the subject of heavy taxes. For overland travelers the city can be difficult to reach, as the float is located 20 miles from the coast. Frequent boats and airships go from the town of Redford, and travelers can leave their wagons and animals there under good care of the local inn or tavern.


Redford (Large Town: 4,900):


Vesvoress (F) (Metropolis: 46,800):


Hift (Large City: 17,400):


Agion (Large City: 27,150):


Organizations and Institutions:

Cannonneers: The cannonneers is a division of the official standing army of Istr. The cannonneers form the most prestigious regiment of the Istrian army. They employ the adementine made karabines with great skill and efficiency and are the only unit in the Istrian army that employs the deadly weapon. The cannonners are greatly respected by they Istrian people, as they represent all where the nation stands for, they are proud, armed, observant, experienced, self assured and dangerous. The cannonneers patrol city streets, watch city airports and harbors, and control questionable foreigners. They can be recognized, by their dark blue cloak and clothing with bordeaux red crossing through their clothes at the front and back. In their arms or on the back they wield one of the famous Istrian Karabines.