Dungeons & Dragons Group The Hague 

Our World, Tilea

Every world, every plane, every land and every city has their own unique features. This is also the case in our world. Tilea is characterized, in contrary to most other worlds we know, by its flat form. Theoretically you could fall off from the surface of Tilea. However the world’s borders are almost impossible to reach guarded by ancient magic and defended by powerful monsters.

Tilea was almost destroyed two millennia ago when a falling meteor came in collision with the flat planet. Marks of this disastrous event can still be seen today. However, the mighty lands of Tilea recovered, and rebuild, today most use the effects of the meteor in their advantages. The effects of collision between Tilea and the Meteor still can be seen today. As a result of the impact, the largest desert on Tilea was created; the Doom Desert. The impact of the meteor had a devastating effect, but also affected the outlook, of the planet. The power that was released during the impact, combined with the planets gravity and strong magic twisted hundreds of thousands pieces of solid land to loose ground and turn into floating, stationary islands in mid air. These stationary islands can still be found today, some of them have been used as bases for new cities, high in the skies, other are just the size of a fist and hang in mid air without purpose. The biggest concentration of these stationary air islands can be obviously found above the Doom Desert. 

World Features

The Float

The float is the name common folk use for the floating platforms of Tilea. During the clash between the meteor and Tilea, a combination of factors contributed to the creation of hundreds of thousands magically flying plateaus. The Float do not actually fly or float in the air, instead they are completely vast and stationary islands in the air above the ground. Many of the float have been used to build cities, strongholds, outposts or hideouts. Some of the float are the size of small kingdoms or large cities, others are not much bigger than a human fist or head. Altogether, the float are a everyday sight in Tilea, a sight which the population has learned to use to their advantage. 
Flat Surface

In contrary to many other worlds, Tilea is flat; as flat as a nickel. Theoretically this means that it would be possible to fall off the edge of the world. However, in practice it is unknown if someone ever managed to reach the edge of Tilea. The world’s borders are guarded by wild seas, ancient magic and powerful monsters. Tilea’s flat form has little influence on commoners every day life.

Gravity Storms

Created through magic and true force of nature, the gravity storms are a result of the cataclysm. Their exact nature is unknown, but their consequences are devastating. Gravity storms come and go, sometimes out of nothing; the storms turn the gravity around in the area they are passing. The gravity storms function like the reverse gravity spell, except that creatures in the storm ascend to a height of 180 Feet in 3 rounds and remain there until the storm stops or passes or until they can escape. Flying, levitate or an air walk spell can help a character to get out of the reversed gravity storm.

Node Fields

In the aftermath of the cataclysm everything changed in Tilea. One of the results of the collision were the ndoe fields. A node field is an area of extremely heavy concentration of floating platforms. Node fields form, just as deserts, plains, forests or mountains; a new kind of natural environment with special and unique characteristics. A desert is extremely hot with a shortage of water, a forests is heavily overgrown with threes and other plants while a node field is an area of continuous small (from the size of a human torso to that of house) floating platforms, creating a “forests” of floating nodes. These node fields are the aftermath of the crash of the meteor, where dozens of smaller meteors collided with the exploding earth and translucent magic in the process creating a transflux of energy. The node fields are known to have a strange effect on gravity; anyone staying within the boundaries of a node field has a 20% chance, every day, of being affected as by an air walk spell for the duration of that day. Running, charging or even moving fast through the node field is impossible. All spells have a 20% chance of failure within these areas. The node fields are also known to be rich on rare metals especially adamantine.

Plane Travel

Due to the strange nature of the Tilea world, plane travel between this world and others is impossible. This feature also impedes the summoning of creatures and monsters from other planes. The summoning arts of magic are very rarely practiced on Tilea. There are several ways to bypass this plane travel blockade. The exact reason for the travel blockade is unknown to most; several scholars have developed ideas and theories on the reason of the blockade. Throughout the ages many portals were made to bypass the plane barrier, many of which still function to this day. Magic users throughout Tilea notice that the barrier is constantly decreasing in power, what the reason is for this decrease is unknown. 


The art of Summoning is rare on Tilea. A strong barrier prevents plane travel and thus also summoning. Druids can still summon animals from Tilea itself, while extraplanar creatures cannot travel to Tilea, unless a magician is able to bypass the barrier. Summoning spell descriptions are extremely rare and hard to find, master summoners are there but unwilling in sharing their knowledge. Druids can still summon animals, as they do not call forth the power of the planes, instead they summon an animal from somewhere on Tilea to their aid.


The world of Tilea follows the draconic calendar. Dragons were the first creatures that lived on this world; all the other raced took over the draconic calendar as they populated this world. The Draconic calendar exists out of 12 months. All months have 30 days separated over 3 ten-days. The draconic names of the calendar are usually too difficult for the common folk to remember and have therefore gotten an abbreviation.

January                      Abraxus                     Abrax

February                    Algraudux                 Dux

March                         Bethildritor               Beth

April                           Caeruleuss                Caer

May                            Desparsyr                  Des

June                            Eldrisithain               Eldris

July                             Frizzerfrazz               Frizz

August                       Garlokantar               Gar

September                 Izzerrazz                    Izz

October                      Mahmahonn              Mah

November                 Neveralrich               Nev

December                  Zuxrazz                     Zux



On Tilea, months are separated in ten-days. One ten-day has eight working days, one free day and one holy day. The free day is a day of leisure, fun, joy and sport while on the Holy day people are expected to pray and do service for their gods. The work days are mostly ordered in numbers, from the 1st working day to the 8th working day, than followed by the free day and the holy day.